Okay everybody has already heard about Iisa's and my birthday but I'm gonna tell you anyway XD At least some pictures.
Sooo Iisa's party theme was 'all white' and my theme was polices and criminals ! Everyone's outfits turned out so well at both parties :D And I'm so happy that Yoosteippi, Nessu and Hanskinuskij were there too~
Adventures in Kōenji
Since I got told I should check out *Kōenji* (高円寺) while I'm here (thank
you anon in the last post!!), that's where me and Paris headed yesterday.
Mangal Pandey - The Rising (2005) Download Movie
Watch Streaming *Mangal Pandey - The Rising* in High Definition Quality.
Play Movie *Mangal Pandey - The Rising* in HD Video. Download Full *Mangal
new new newa new
Soooooo, I made a new blog! It seems to be popular nowadays, huh?
[image: ベル][image: キラキラ]NEW BLOOOG[image: キラキラ][image: ベル]
I won't update this blog any...
Sunday brunch
Pari viikkoa sitten käytiin sunnuntaibrunssilla Fazer-kahvilassa Noanin
kanssa. Aamulla oltiin käyty Jäähallin kirppiksellä varaamassa pöytää ja
omg I'm alive!
but with a brand new blog now! I just published the first entry so please
check it out! :3
more like cosplay blog:
i've gotten some messages that i should move to blogspot (maybe all of the
messages were from the same anon...who knows XD)
well, i can upload bigger pictu...
lol bus fail
first of all, MY BLOG MOVED TO AMEBLO:http://ameblo.jp/bubbleryu/ and i
made all my entries private here :--( sorry☆゚+.☆゚+.☆゚+.☆゚+.hmm oh yeah,
about the ...
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